Creating a log

Xastir can log data from the internet or TNC for later playback, or for debugging purposes.

All these choices are accessible via the File menu:

Enable TNC Logging
Logs all TNC data received and transmitted. These logs can be played back using the "Open Log File" feature.
Enable Net logging
Logs all internet data received and transmitted. These logs can be played back using the "Open Log File" feature. If you have no interfaces started but still want to log your posits and objects locally, this is the option to enable for that as well.
Enable Igate logging
Logs all data forwarded in both directions, and rejected forwards with reasons for rejection. Includes NWS messages forwarded to RF (as per ~/.xastir/data/nws-stations.txt :a text file listing each call or NWS station like "SECIND" that you would like to transmit via RF)
Enable Wx logging
Logs all weather data received from your weather station.

Replaying a log

Click on "File", then "Open Log File" and a file selector window will display. You can use it to browse your hard drive and select any file containing raw TNC data like those created by the TNC and Net logging options. Your station will still function the same way, receiving and transmitting. If you were logging data, the typical place to look for those files would be ~/.xastir/logs/

Locating a Station

Click on "Stations", then "Find Station". A window will pop up. You can now enter a call or part of a call. By default it will search for an exact match (full call, not partial) and is not case sensitive. If you are looking for a partial match, "Match Exact" should not be selected.

For objects which could contain lower case letters you have to check "Match Case"! Opposite to the name, without "Match Case" the search text will only be converted to upper case...

Clicking on the "Locate Now!" button will center the first station found in the center of your screen at the current zoom level. Clicking on "Cancel" will close the window.

Creating and using Map Display Bookmarks

Go to location screenshot

Click on "Maps", then "Map Display Bookmarks" and a window will pop up. If this is the first time you have used this then the box will have no entries in it. To add a bookmark to the list: Position the main map to the area and zoom level you want to use. Enter a unique name in the "New Name" area, then click on add. Your entry will be added to the list (in alphabetical order). You can add as many map display bookmarks as you want. To use one of the locations click on location name and click "Activate!". The main map will then show the stored area and zoom level. You can similarly delete a bookmark by clicking on the bookmark name and then the "Delete" button.

"Maps->Locate Map Feature" is another method to jump to a location, if the name of the location is known and you have GNIS files installed.

Tracking a Station

Click on "Stations", then "Track Station". Enter the callsign to track (all or part) then click on the "Track Now!" button. As the station moves it will remain viewable in the main map window. As the stations starts to get close to the edge of the map window the window will recenter so that the object is always visible. To stop tracking this station click on the "Clear Tracking" button. While tracking is active, a "Tr" is shown in the status bar next to the zoom level. If the station is not on the map yet, tracking will begin as soon as it shows up.

Objects and Items

Object dialog screenshot

A station could place several different objects on the map, with their position transmitted to other stations. The object names are less restrictive than the normal station names. Objects and items are nearly the same things, but their use could differ a bit. Objects are generally used for moving or variable things such as thunderstorms, while items are generally used for more inanimate things, such as water stations. Because items may not be decoded by some flavors of APRS(tm) programs, objects are often used for inanimated things, too. Besides normal objects with a symbol at its position there are some special objects available. Area objects are useful for a variety of operations in which you want to draw or highlight an area of interest on the map. They can also be used to draw trails/roads/boundaries, watchboxes for severe weather, runways, perimeters of a search area or of a public service event, areas of damage, areas to stay out of, buildings that aren't on the map, checker/chess boards for gaming on APRS(tm). :-) Note that area objects are not implemented on all versions of APRS(tm) programs, and some of the details of how they are displayed may also be different on other programs. For the other two, signpost and DF objects, see below. Objects are retransmitted at the rate of station position reports, configured in File|Configure|Defaults, and will cease retransmitting after double the station display time, also configured there. "killed" objects are also retransmitted in this manner, until they expire from the queue. The Object/Item creation option in the right click menu will bring up a dialog with the position of your object filled in based on where you clicked the mouse. You may fill in the details, and add an object/item from this menu. The Object/Item modification option brings you the object modification dialog. It is similar to the object creation dialog, except the object's current information is already filled out, and the object's name and a few of the other options can't be changed. You could also delete the object with this option. Objects and items can be moved with the mouse if the "Move" checkbox on the toolbar is enabled.

Description of the entries in the object dialogue:

This makes the object a signpost object. These signs can be 3 characters, visible on a signpost at the location when zoomed in close. (FIXME: We don't do the display of signposts this way yet).
Area Object
This makes the object an area object, and enables the area object controls described below. DF Object
This is a direction-finding report. Enabling it allows you to choose Omni or Beam report, and allows you to put in the specifics for each. See: href=""> and the APRSdos documentation for details on these useful techniques. (FIXME: Separate section on DFing techniques?)
This is the name of the object or item. It may be up to 9 characters long. When modifying an object, this may not be changed. To rename an object you must delete the original and then create a new object. Note that if you select Signpost/Area Object/DF Object that this field and perhaps others are cleared. Enter the name AFTER you've selected the type of object it will become. delete the original and create a new object.
Station Symbol
You may select a symbol for the object. Press select to choose graphically, or see the symbol table help section for descriptions of each symbol. Note that not all of the symbols have been implemented in the graphics chooser yet, and some are not per the APRS(tm) spec. Note also that area objects, signpost objects, and DF objects have special fixed symbols and therefore can't be selected here.
The location of the object is specified here. If you selected "Create Object/Item" from the right-click menu, the location you clicked will be filled in. If you moved an object with the mouse, the new location will be in these fields. You can also type in a location, for instance you may be placing an object from an over-the-air voice report.
Generic Options
You may specify the speed, direction, and altitude of objects here. Some object types cannot have a speed or direction, in which case the fields are grey'ed out.
Signpost Object
If the object is a signpost object, you may specify the 1 to 3 character message that appears on the sign here. Note that Xastir doesn't display signpost objects properly yet.
Area Object
Area Objects are used to highlight specific parts of maps or to draw extra detail onto maps.
Bright Color
Use the brighter version of the colors allowed.
The area should be filled, not just outlined. This may be useful to exclude an area from a search or other event.
Object Type
Choose from the geometric shapes allowed.
Object Color
Choose the color in which the object will display. This is also affected by the "Bright Color" option above.
Object Offset Up
In hundredths of a degree latitude.
In hundredths of a degree latitude. An unfortunate detail of the spec, and hard to calculate easily. Suffice it to say that you can change the size of the object once you place it.
Object Offset Left except /
In hundredths of a degree latitude. See above.
Object corridor
This is the width of a line area object. Useful for runways, weather watchboxes, describing an area of interest or an area of exclusion, etc.

Always delete your objects and items when you are done with them! Don't just allow them to expire from your cache, as they may hang around on other people's screens for an extended period.

Printing the Map Screen

Xastir can print the drawing area in either black & white or color. It does this by first dumping the image to an XPixmap file on disk, then using external tools to convert it to postscript, scale it, rotate it, preview it, then print it. You must have your system printing set up to handle postscript (usually this requires Ghostscript and a print filter installed, as well as lp or lpr print spoolers). You must also have the following tools installed for this capability: ImageMagick tools (specifically "convert"), "Ghostscript", Ghostscript fonts, and "gv". Once all of these packages are installed and functional, you should get a "gv" window popping up shortly after you tell Xastir to create a print file. From there you can view the printed image, and if acceptable, tell "gv" to print it. Note that sometimes changing to a white default background for the maps is recommended, depending on what maps you have viewable. This can save greatly on ink.

Creating Automatic Snapshots

Xastir has the capability to create automatic snapshots of the map screen on a recurring basis. This time period is currently set at once per five minutes. Assuming that you have "convert" from the ImageMagick tools installed, Xastir will create an XPM format file in /var/tmp, then convert it to the PNG file /var/tmp/xastir_snap.png. This file is useful for putting on web pages to show a live image of what is on your Xastir screen. Enable this feature via the "File->Enable PNG Snapshots" togglebutton.