Station info box - FCC and RAC lookup

Station Info will display any data decoded by Xastir.

The information available may include: Number of packets heard, the time last heard, the device the packet came from, station comments, power/height/gain of the station, course/distance from your station, weather information, and previous positions. For moving stations, a tracklog follows with the most recent entries on top. A "+" in front indicates that a new track starts at that point (if there was a large gap in time or position). A star at the end of a line indicates that this station could be heard direct (without a digi) at that specific position.

For your own station, there is an "Echoed from" field, listing the last six digipeaters that heard you directly. This is useful for setting non-generic paths.

Currently two rows of four buttons appear in the Station Info window. Some of the labels on the buttons change based on the type of station that you're dealing with.

For objects/items:

Store     Modify    Blank      Close
Track     Object/

Station   Trace     Un-Acked   Direct
Version   Query     Messages   Stations
Query               Query      Query
For other stations:
Store     Send      Search     Close
Track     Message   FCC (RAC)

Station   Trace     Un-Acked   Direct
Version   Query     Messages   Stations
Query               Query      Query
"Station Version Query" changes to "Clear Track" for mobile stations.

The Clear Track button will clear any line tracking for this station that is currently stored or on the map display.

Store Track will save that station's track to a file on disk.The used format is similar to that used by GPS receivers but its specification might be changed (enhanced) in future versions. There is currently no way to read that track data back in, but it is planned for the future. The goal is to also read and display GPS tracklogs in a similar manner. These tracklog files will be placed in the directory ~/.xastir/tracklogs with a name equal to the stations call with ".trk" as extension.

Modify Object/Item will bring up the Object Modify window.

Send message will open up the message window and allow you to send a message to this station. It will fill in the call sign for you.

If the FCC (U.S. Federal Communications Commission) or RAC (Radio Amateurs of Canada) database is installed and the callsign appears to be a Canadian or U.S. callsign, the Search FCC/RAC Database button will become active, otherwise this button will be inactive. The FCC and RAC files should be placed in the /usr/local/xastir/fcc directory, and case is important! Pressing this button adds the station's name and address into the Station Info box. Instructions for installing these databases are in the README.1ST file.

Xastir will create index files for each database file upon startup. If a newer callsign file is placed there while Xastir is running, it will create or rebuild the index on the next lookup.

Special prefixes are NOT handled.