Symbol Table

These are the symbols that you can select for your station under the "Station Information" configuration menu. The current list can be found in the APRS(tm) Reference which you could get from

Symbol Table

Symbol     Group /                       Group \

!          Triangle w/!                  Triangle w/!
"          Rain Cloud                    Rain Cloud
#          Digi                          DIGI
$          Phone Symbol                  $ Symbol
%          DX                            DX
&          GATE-HF                       GATE
'          Small Aircraft                Aircraft Crash
(          Cloud                         Cloud
)          TBD
*          SNOW Flake                    SNOW Flake
+          Red Cross
,          Reverse L
-          House w/omni
.          Small x
/          Red Dot
0          0 in a box                    Circle
1          1 in a box
2          2 in a box
3          3 in a box
4          4 in a box
5          5 in a box
6          6 in a box
7          7 in a box
8          8 in a box
9          9 in a box                    GAS
:          Fire                          ?
;          Tent                          Tent
<          Motorcycle                    Pennant
=          Train Engine
>          Car                           Car
?          POS Antenna                   ? in a box
@          HURRICANE/STORM               HURRICANE/STORM
A          First Aid                     Box
B          BBS                           Blowing Snow
C          Canoe
D          D in a circle
E          E in a circle                 Smoke Stack
F          F in a circle
G          Grid Square Antenna           ?
H          Hotel/Bed
I          TCP/IP                        ?
J          J in a circle                 Lightening
K          School House
L          Light House                   Light House
M          Mac
N          NTS                           ?
O          Balloon
P          Police car                    Rx
Q          Circle with in Circles        Circle with in Circles
R          RV                            Restaurant
S          Shuttle                       Satellite
T          Thunderstorm (cloud/bolt)     Thunderstorm (cloud/bolt)
U          School Bus                    Sun
V          VOR TAC                       VOR TAC Symbol
W          National Weather Service      NWS-Digi
X          Helicopter
Y          Sail Boat
Z          Windows
[          Runner                        WC
\          DF Triangle
]          Packet Mail Box
^          Large Aircraft                Large Aircraft
_          Weather Station               WS-Digi
`          Satellite Dish
a          Ambulance
b          Bike                          blowing cloud
c          DX antenna
d          Fire dept.                    DX Antenna
e          Horse                         Sleet cloud
f          Fire Truck                    FC Cloud
g          glider                        Pennant (2)
h          Hospital                      HAM
i          Island                        Island
j          Jeep                          Jeep
k          Truck                         Truck
l          Small dot                     Small Dot
m          MIC                           Mile Post
n          N                             Small Triangle
o          EOC                           Dot with in Circles
p          Puppy                         Dot with in Circles
q          GS Antenna                    GS Antenna
r          Antenna Tower                 Antenna Tower
s          Boat                          Boat
t          TS                            ?
u          18 Wheel Truck
v          Van                           Dot with in Circles
w          H20                           Flood
x          X Windows                     Red Dot
y          House w/Yagi                  House w/yagi
z                                        X Windows
{          FOG                           FOG
|          Black Line                    Black Line
}          TCP                           TCP
~          Sail Boat                     Sail Boat