View Menu Options

The View menu presents various ways to look at data in Xastir.

View Bullitins screenshot

This is the APRS bullitin board, where important announcements are posted. If you are connected with the internet interface, it is a good idea to set the range field to a few hunderd miles, to ignore posts from other portions of the world. 0 in the range field means the entire world. Click the "Change range" button to make changes to this field effective. Xastir currently does not support sending bulletins.
Incoming packet data
This displays the incoming data on your TNC or internet interface. The radio buttons below select if you want to see only TNC data, only internet data, or both.
Mobile Stations
This is a list of stations that are moving. Stations qualify for this list if they have moved (more than one position received for them), the symbol of the station is not considered. Information shown includes course, speed, altitude, position, number of packets received, number of visible GPS satellites, course from your station, and distance from your station.
All Stations
This option displays a table of all stations sorted alphabetically. It includes the number of packets heard, the time the station was last heard, the path that the most recent packet took, the PHG, and the comment of the station.
Local stations
This option displays only stations that are heard via your TNC. It includes the number of packets heard, the time the station was last heard, the path that the most recent packet took, the PHG, and the comment of the station.
Last Stations
This option displays a table of all stations sorted from most recently heard to least recently heard. It includes the number of packets heard, the time the station was last heard, the path that the most recent packet took, the PHG, and the comment of the station.
WX stations
This option displays a table of all the APRS(tm) weather stations and their data. Data includes wind course, wind speed, wind gust speed, temprature, humidity, barometric pressure, rain in the past hour, rain since midnight, and rain in the last 24 hours.
Own weather data

Own weather screenshot

Displays your weather data if you have a weather station and have configured Xastir to access it.
Weather Alerts

Weather alerts screenshot

Displays weather alerts received, including the alert flags, alert source/type, alert destination, expiration, message, and effected location. This data is used for the alert highlighting. Double-clicking on an alert will request further information about it via finger from the online WXserver. This only works if you have internet access; future versions may access this data over radio as well.
Message Traffic
Shows all message traffic while the window is open. It includes the source, destination, interface, and message. The range option can limit this display to nearby stations, much like the range control on bulletins. A range of 0 causes all messages to be displayed.
Shows the amount of time elapsed since Xastir was started.