Bottom Status Bar

At the bottom of the window various status messages are available:

In the first box general status messages are displayed for a short time.

The second box displays the current lat/long position of the mouse over the map.

A third box is used to display how many stations are in the database.

The fourth box will display the current zoom level and will display "Tr" if the station tracking is on.

The last area will display the device status for each interface. Each will display in order first to last or 0 to 9. The interface status is separated into three areas, top device type, center data flow, and bottom interface operational status.

The device type will show what interfaces are configured. The color will show what type of device the interface is configured for. Blues are for the various TNC devices; Greens will show the GPS devices; Yellow for Internet Servers; Orange for WX interfaces.

The center will show data flow in (arrow pointing left) or data flow out (arrow pointing right) for that interface.

A green box at the bottom will show if that interface is active. A red box will show if the interface is active but in an error condition. Otherwise nothing will show if the interface is not active.

Moving the Map and the Options Menu

Map movement is very simple, ease and quickness of movement is dependent on your processor speed and the amount of detail you load.


Zooming can be accomplished by right clicking on the map (and holding the button down). This will bring up an options menu, with choices to zoom in or out a single level, or to change to one of the preset zoom levels.

All zooming functions from the options menu will zoom in or out at the point on the map where you clicked the right mouse button. Zoom levels have a cascade menu. Levels 1-64 are for very local areas and levels 256 and above are for large areas. The lower number the level, the more local the area.

A quicker zoom function is to push and hold the left mouse button, drag it across the area of interest and let go. The map will zoom to approximately the size of the square you just described with the mouse drag operation. The program uses the vertical component to decide on the zoom level, and the vertical and horizontal components to compute the new map center. The "move" and "measure" toolbar checkboxes must be disabled for this feature to work.

The map can also be zoomed with the keyboard PageUp/PageDown keys. The zooming in this case keeps the same map center.


The map can be centered at a specific location by choosing center in the right-click options menu. Clicking the middle button zooms out with a factor of 2, centering where you clicked.

Panning is also accomplished by using the options menu, or by using the arrow buttons on the top of the screen. The map position will shift a portion of a screen. Enough data from the previous screen should be available to reorient yourself.

The map can also be panned and zoomed with the arrow keys.

More About the Options Menu:

The "Station Info" selection on the options menu will look for the station closest to where you right clicked the mouse. If more than one station is close to that position a "Station chooser" list will appear, then you can choose what station's data you want to look at. If only one station is close to the mouse pointer then that station's data will display immediately. For mobile stations with a lot of track data this could need some time on slow computers. Note that expired stations still have their data stored in the Xastir database, and if one knows a station's former location, one can still view its info in this manner. It is also possible to display old stations by turning on the "Display Expired Data" option in the stations menu. FIXME: Not entirely true. This just displays some of the data that dissapears for ghosted stations, like speed/altitude, etc.

For Object and Item information, please see the help topic Objects and Items.

Stations Menu

These options will allow you to control the data displayed around the stations on the map. It will also let you track and find stations, and clear stations and trails from the map.
Find Station
See the help topic Locating a Station.
Track Station
See the help topic Tracking a Station.
Fetch Findu Trail
Downloads historic trail data from Currently set to two weeks worth of posits.
Enable Symbols
Determines if symbols should be drawn on the map. Most of the options below depend on this being enabled.

For old stations the symbol is drawn ghosted and in its standard orientation. Corresponding trails are dashed rather than solid and all data except the callsign disappear from the screen. Exception: If "Display Expired Data" is enabled, then the data will not disappear when ghosting a symbol.

Rotate symbols
Some symbols will change their orientation to show the direction in which they are traveling.
Enable Callsign
Determines if the callsign is displayed on the right side of the symbol.
Enable Speed
When on, red text will appear below the call sign (or course). This will display the last known speed the station is traveling.
Display Short Speed
This option removes display of the measurement unitsfor speed.
Enable Altitude
When enabled, blue text will appear above the call sign. This will display the last known altitude of the station.
Enable Course
When enabled, green text will appear below the call sign. This will display the last known course (in degrees) the station is traveling.
Enable Dist/course
When enabled, two lines of text will be displayed on the left side of the stations' icon. The top line will contain the distance from your station to this station. The bottom line will contain the course from your station to this station.
Enable Weather Info
When enabled, the latest weather data (temp,wind speed/course/gust,Humidity) is displayed.
Display Temprature Only
Displays only the temprature data for the station.
Enable Power/Gain
When on, Power/Gain Circles will be displayed. Overlapping circles indicate that the stations are theoretically within simplex range of one another. This is only roughly accurate, especially in areas of variable terrain.
Enable Default Power/Gain
Enables a default power/gain setting as specified in the APRS(tm) specification.
Enable Mobile Power/Gain
Enables power/gain circles for mobile stations.
Enable Position Ambiguity
When enabled, the area in which station using position ambiguity may be located within is shaded, with the relevant station in the center.
Display Expired data
Causes Xastir to continue to display the station data that normally goes away when the symbol is ghosted. The expiration time can be adjusted in the File|Configure|Defaults menu.
Display DF Circles
When enabled, any DF circles will be displayed on the screen.
Enable Station trails
When on, any moving station will trail a colored line with the last 100+ locations .
Clear All Stations
This will wipe all the data from the station database except yours. This option is useful if you're low on memory.
Clear All Trails
This will wipe all the line tracking data from the station database and refreshes the screen. This option is useful if you're low on memory or just want an uncluttered screen. You may also clear individual station's trails from the Station Info dialog.

Messages and the Messages menu

Send message screenshot Send Message to and Open group messages

These are very similar. "Send message to" will send your messages to one station and will only receive data from that station. Group messages are more general: you can receive any message for the group and you will send out your messages to that group name. Group messages code is not fully implemented yet and various problems still need to be worked out. The "groups" file is looked for in ~/.xastir/config. This is where the groups you are a member of are stored. As was said before the "groups" functionality may not be complete yet.

At some point in the near future sending of bulletins should be added to this menu as well. It's not coded yet.

Each of these two screens contains a message box, a call line, a message line, and various buttons. You must first enter the call of the group or station you want to contact. Once that is done any new message that has come in from that station to you will be displayed. If the station is sending you information and no message window is up it will automatically pop up a new window (up to 10) with that station's call sign filled in for you. You can now enter a message on the message line. The message can be longer that the message line, and will max out at about 250+ characters. Once your message is entered, clicking on the "Send Now!" button will send your message. The "Send Now!" button will gray out until your message is completely Acked. Any message you receive will be sorted by the line # and be placed in the message window. If you are in a group mode each line will display the call sign from where the message was sent followed by the message itself. Currently group messages are sorted by call and then line #. When you are done sending messages clicking on the exit button will close the window. Two other buttons are also available. The "New Call" button will allow you to look at old data a station has sent. Type in the call and click on this button, any old information will be displayed. You can also use this button to change the call of the station you're talking with. Enter the new call and click the button. The "Clear Messages" button will clear any message displayed in the message window.

Clear all outgoing messages
This will clear all un-acked messages you have sent.
General Stations Query
This sends an ?APRS? packet, which should cause all local stations to report their position and/or status. Most software ignores this query, because responding to it would cause massive floods of data.
Igate Stations Query
This sends an ?IGATE? packet, which should cause all local Igates to respond with their capabilities.
WX Stations Query
This sends an ?WX? packet, which should cause all local weather stations to report their position and weather.
Modify Auto Reply Msg
This will set the message that is sent as an Auto Reply.
Enable Auto Reply Msg
This will turn on an automatic reply when an incoming message is received.